
Ann's role as a consultant is to design and deliver systems and support to businesses who are looking to realize the full potential of their organization, by helping them develop their people and the professional relationships between those people.

Ann has over 22 years experience in using psychometric tools.  She uses these strategically and sensitively to provide leaders and managers with new and deeper understandings of their people, professional relationships and team dynamics and also to assist leaders in honing their own communication and management skills.


Personal Profile Analysis (PPA)     

  • This gives a detailed behavioural assessment of an individual, their strengths, limitations and values to the organization.  It is at the heart of recruitment, development, team interactions and succession planning.  Read more about PPA on the Thomas website

General Intelligence Assessments (GIA)

  • These tests provide reliable and accurate means to identify how quickly a person can learn and retain new skills .  They measure “fluid intelligence, or mental horsepower”. Read more about GIA on the Thomas website.

Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (EIQ)

  • Emotional Intelligence is an individual’s capacity to understand and control their own emotions and recognize and manage those of others so that they and others around them can be as effective and productive as possible at work. Read more about EIQ on the Thomas website.